The original ASCIIMathML and ASCIIsvg scripts have been developed by by Peter Jipsen, Chapman University (
LaTeXMathML has been developed by Douglas Woodall (and exteded by Jeff Knisley), based on ASCIIMathML
The version of ASCIIMathML used here, is a modified and extended version, developed by S.A. Miedema
Image fallback scripts have been developed by David Lippman based on MimeTex and MathTex of John Forkosh.
The version of ASCIIMathML used on this website, is a modified and extended version based on version 2.1 of Peter Jipsen, the new SVG library has been developed by S.A. Miedema
Other sources: An ASCIIsvg manual by Robert Fant.  An ASCIIsvg manual by Peter Jipsen. An ASCIIMathML manual by James Gray.

Plugins and fonts required (depending on your browser): MIT MathML font packages, MathPlayer, Adobe SVGviewer
Look at: for detailed information about SVG.
Look at: for detailed information about MathML

Copyright © S.A. Miedema, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Marine Technology & Materials Science
Department of Marine & Transport Technology, The Chair of Dredging Engineering